Modern Day Spinster

The expected definition of a spinster is to just be a single and never married woman. If it were only that simple. I am a daughter, sister, auntie, friend, babysitter, alumna, artist, writer, diva, comedienne, bitch, caregiver, confidante, adviser, stylist, cheerleader, singer, dancer, activist, referee, sinner, saint, lover and occassional dater. Watch as I try to balance multiple spinning plates of relationships, responsibiilities, and reactions to life.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

"The Constitution does not guarantee a right to an abortion"- Judge Alito

You don't have to go home but I hope you do not end up on the Supreme Court. I don't care if he claims that this statement was written when he was trying to get a job with the Reagan administration. I know that you have to spin information on cover letters and resumes to best suit your audience. But when you add that and his previous remarks while he was on the bench in Pennsylvania, how can you not notice the red flags on his claims he wouldn't reverse Roe vs. Wade decision? The elephant in the room is scary.

Along with this lovely prospect is the one regarding the Medicare drug program. Good grief, how many plans do you need? This shouldn't have to be as hard as it is. Having to read up on this reminds of when I was applying to colleges and having to narrown down my choices.Just another example of the government throwing busywork at something that should make common sense.

I don't agree that certain prescriptions are not accepted in one program versus another. They are no better than the insurance companies who dictate which doctor a person can or cannot see or which condition should or shouldn't be covered. In one job I had to pay out of pocket for medical expenses for a doctor I had been going to for years because insurance company x said she wasn't in the system. Hey Sherlock, it should be my choice who I say and not yours. And for preexisting conditions, why should someone be penalized because they are sick and tell the truth? Unlike the Bush administrations ideas, you cannot pick up ethics in one weekend like a pair of socks at a store.In a shocking turn of events, B.J. actually called and offered to help pick out a plan for Fred and Ethel.

I know I'm late coming to the party regarding the opinion to columnist Maureen Dowd. Some response have been quite harsh.Until I read it for myself, I won't comment. All I can give is my spin on things in my situation.

Do I need a man to complete me? No
Have I dated jerks and missed the red flags? Yes
Have I worked so had that I've missed opportunities to get social? Yes
Is life harder when you don't have a support system in place? Yes

To be single and just have to take care of yourself is one thing. However when you are single and are thrown into a position in having to care for an elderly parent(s) that wasn't in your game plan initially, it is very tough to do by yourself. Also is the extra challenge of living with them. Yeah try and have a life that way and get back to me for comment. I have seen several women who were put in this position. Their end result is that while their parents didn't die alone,these ladies now are without any support. They sacrificed their time for their parents and now are all alone. It is extremely difficult to maintain friendships when you are constantly on call. The married siblings rarely pick up the ball to help. It's so easy for people to say, "You need to take care of yourself and do your thing" Today's letter from AskAmy further reinforces it but I'm at a loss.

An example of my concern happened today. Ethel answers the phone and talks to someone who's number she didn't recognize. Because of her limited English, if an apartment needs to be rented it was agreed that she not answer the phone. The outgoing voicemail message advertises the vacancy as well, so the caller knows to leave a message. But no, she picks up the phone and talks to some random guy who's area code isn't local.Random guy wants to see the vacancy immediately. Instead of saying anything else, she chooses to inform him that she is home alone and that her husband will be in later. He agrees to come in an hour. WTF?? Fred has no set schedule as to when he gets back from hanging with his buddies. I was all set to go out the door to do errands for her and Fred. She tells me what's going on and I freaked out.Not less than 10 minutes later this weasel is skulking around the parking lot. Maybe it's because of my past brush with home invasion but I'm very leery.

In this day and age, she has to be careful. The elderly are such easy prey for any crackpots.I have no problem showing apartments to prospective tenants. But you schedule an appointment. This is not rocket science. But if I wasn't here, who's knows what could have happened to her? God answered my prayers and Fred showed up. He's a piece of work too. He still believes in the gentleman's agreement of a single handshake. He's old school that way. He's very trusting.But he is also living with rose-colored glasses. Everything is a battle. He is always right and I'm always wrong.In the end, it's their name on the deed and my services can be ended at a moment's notice. Nothing like being a at-will employee of sorts of your parents.

Blogger must have put me on display. I had over 20 people stop by. Hello. Don't forget to tell your friends.


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