Modern Day Spinster

The expected definition of a spinster is to just be a single and never married woman. If it were only that simple. I am a daughter, sister, auntie, friend, babysitter, alumna, artist, writer, diva, comedienne, bitch, caregiver, confidante, adviser, stylist, cheerleader, singer, dancer, activist, referee, sinner, saint, lover and occassional dater. Watch as I try to balance multiple spinning plates of relationships, responsibiilities, and reactions to life.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Here comes the sun

I didn't see the sunrise. I was up at the bewitching hour of 4am to get Ethel to the hospital for a 6am CT scan. The radio first seranaded us with theme from "Shaft" and "It's Your Thing", the original version. It made me smile. The surprising thing was how busy the roads were at that time of night. The sky was black and there was a slit where white light was peering out. Freaky. But I had my ritual gear of a book and CD player of spiritual music to get me through the lull in the waiting room.

Afterwards it was a rare breakfeast outing.Poor thing had to fast and then drink the most blechy, yuchy stuff called contrast. They try to dress it up with a banana flavor but they're not fooling anyone. When we got back I took a brief nap. Then it was Fred's turn to go to Dr. Curious. His prescription expired so he had to go in. Of course Fred manages to catch some poor person off guard and talk his ear off. You could tell the guy had that deer-in-the-headlights look in wanting to make a quick getaway.

Dr. Curious gets my nomination for sainthood for dealing with Fred and Ethel. But I disagree with his course of action regarding Fred and the impending Alzheimer's. He's been more forgetful lately. The problem here is the meds for Alzheimer's come with some pretty harsh side effects that would inflict with Fred's med as it is. It's just like I'm slowly watching a runaway train that I have no control to stop.

Mrs. Curious was in the office as the admin. When she found out where I had been she said, "Well why didn't you put Fred in the car and come directly here from the hospital?". Um yeah. Fred is a bigger PITA when he doesn't get his beauty sleep and I'm going to have to entertain all morning when I'm not feeling Mary Sunshine myself. Common sense. Got some? Seeing as she is a ally of Minnie's I decided it wasn't worth it. Just let it lie.

The bigger surprise was to see the ex-Mrs. Dr. Curious office partner, Dr. Worldly. This women was put into a prearranged marriage at 18 to Dr. Worldly. He seemed nice enough. His family was affulent.They had five kids. All was well until, Mrs. Worldly took a hike and had an affair with a man older than her father. Divorce subsequently followed. Two years ago Dr. Worldly suffered a heart attack from the stress of it all. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Mrs. Worldly's brother, Mr. ThinksWithHisLittleHead, earned his divorce by having sex with a stripper at a friends bachelor party while he was married. I have no idea why married men think they can do this and not be discovered. Her younger sister married for love but in the end it didn't work out. I'm not aware of the details. Their dad is a piece of work. His wife tried to leave in the first year of marriage. It was Aunt Imogene to the rescue to play unliscensed marriage counselor. Regardless of her warped way of thinking, whatever she said saved their marriage.

In the age of undercover video surveillance no one is immune. If you really want to have a good laugh, go watch the show "Cheaters". People when busted will vehemently deny wrongdoing but when the host says "we have you here on tape" it's hard to backtrack.

The weather today was simply lovely. The sun was out. The birds were foraging for food. The sunny day definitely put Fred in a better mood. The highlight of my evening will be to finally make it to a book club meeting. The last time I tried to do this, I was called to babysitting duty and the blizzard of the year hit. Having the cell phone problem does have it's advantages. I had such a blast tonight. It wasn't long and I picked up some videos for the weekend. Toodles.


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