Modern Day Spinster

The expected definition of a spinster is to just be a single and never married woman. If it were only that simple. I am a daughter, sister, auntie, friend, babysitter, alumna, artist, writer, diva, comedienne, bitch, caregiver, confidante, adviser, stylist, cheerleader, singer, dancer, activist, referee, sinner, saint, lover and occassional dater. Watch as I try to balance multiple spinning plates of relationships, responsibiilities, and reactions to life.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

It sucks rotten lemons when karma just decides to stick it to you. I know I deserve it but it doesn't mean I have to like it. There are consequences for your actions. I didn't think it would hit me so quick. Trust me when I say I got the message. As the saying goes, vengenance is mine, sayeth the Lord. He's not playing either.


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