Modern Day Spinster

The expected definition of a spinster is to just be a single and never married woman. If it were only that simple. I am a daughter, sister, auntie, friend, babysitter, alumna, artist, writer, diva, comedienne, bitch, caregiver, confidante, adviser, stylist, cheerleader, singer, dancer, activist, referee, sinner, saint, lover and occassional dater. Watch as I try to balance multiple spinning plates of relationships, responsibiilities, and reactions to life.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I'm Miss World

Damn it. This is the third time my post has been eaten so the new title of my post is in honor of Hole.

Actually I had a pretty good day. I rearranged my schedule. I met with Dr. Pusher. I was able to communicate like a grown up and not rattle on like sputtering muffler. I kept my boudaries up and said no when it got personal. He said he was busier than usual today. I jokingly mentioned some mentally ill people have an aversion to sunny days which is why he had an increase in foot traffic. It's along the lines of the full moon theory.

I had the best parking karma.I was able to find a spot on Columbus Drive. I love the new paybox system. But an improvement would be to put a change machine with it. I was freaking out trying to find change to feed the thing. I hauled ass to get to the book symposium. If anyone finds a lung on the Jackson Blvd., it's mine. I so have to start exercising on Monday. I was disappointed to find Ms. Baldacci had already left. That was the initial reason I drove downtown. On the flipside I talked with a fellow alum who's book's film option has been bought. I won't divulge who it is either. But as it always happens on the day I look like crap, I get a photographed. Of course this never happens when I have my full makeup gear and coordinated outfit on.

I was able to find replacement locks for the mailboxes in a obscure shop in Glenview. Yes easy readers Illegal Ione is up to her old tricks. This time she's trying to use my apartment. I'd divulge her name but I'm saving that for the emails I'm writing to my senators. I had moments of lucidity when I was listening to Milt Rosenberg's radio show.

It was a open forum. Rosenberg was nice enough to play the Spanish version of the Star Spangled Banner. At first listen, it creeped me out. I thought it was disrespectful. Then he gave the American translation and I felt better. One of the lines is "the time has come to break the chain". If they want to express themselves and use our anthem as a base for interpretation, from a artistic standpoint I have no problem with it. However I do find it hypocritical that President Fox of Mexico has declared it a felony for anyone to enter his country illegally. Pot have you met kettle?

The only thing that made me go omfg is one caller who boasted that his family has been using illegal farm workers for over forty years. WTH??? His family should so be stone cold busted and fined until their great grandchildren pay their debt off. Shame on them.

Regardless of what side of the protest you're on, Daley has the best seat of all. He'd rather go to the Middle East than deal with the protest march going on Monday. Can you blame him? I disagree with the decision not to let Chicago policemen wear riot gear. It's wrong to not let them protect themselves. They are putting their lives on the line. All it takes is for one jackass to yell fire in a crowded theatre for all hell to break loose. I pray it's a peaceful protest and without injury to anyone.


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