Modern Day Spinster

The expected definition of a spinster is to just be a single and never married woman. If it were only that simple. I am a daughter, sister, auntie, friend, babysitter, alumna, artist, writer, diva, comedienne, bitch, caregiver, confidante, adviser, stylist, cheerleader, singer, dancer, activist, referee, sinner, saint, lover and occassional dater. Watch as I try to balance multiple spinning plates of relationships, responsibiilities, and reactions to life.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My Whole Life Spins Into A Frenzy

Dear Karma,

Thank you for putting me in my place. No, I really mean that. A dose of humility does the soul good every so often.

Because of what happened, today officially sucks for me. Oh let me share the joy of the past 24 hours.
1. From 9 to 5 yesterday, I babysat my nephew at the very last minute so Minnie could go to a gig in the land of Shlamiel and Shlamazel. Nevermind the fact that she could have asked any of her friends who she trolled with over the weekend. Okay she gets back at noon the same day, starts bitching at me about why I'm there, about B.J. etc.... Her acting skills are so bad they deserve of a Razzie Award or at least a raspberry. Zach and I had fun for the most part. My only concern that alarmed me was that he started to tell me that sometimes his mommy yells at him. I asked why she would do that and how does that make him feel. He tells me that his mommy told him he's not supposed to talk to anyone about it anymore when she does that and to not talk to me about his feelings. I played it straight and didn't bring it up to her or B.J. Of course those two were all overly sweet in front of me, I thought I'd get a toothache. Yet again Sissie "won" a gig somewhere. Oh yeah and somehow Minnie has never gotten a paycheck in the all of the time she's worked for this flimflam operation.
2. Because I had to stay 'till 5pm., I missed attending a meeting that I had been really looking forward to. As well I was not Ethel's favorite person because I was unable to complete the list of things she and Fred wanted me to do. Those were put on today's to do list.
3. After I came back from M.,Ethel was all hot and bothered for me to go to the post office. For some reason I felt like I was supposed to be doing something else. I couldn't remember. I start to check my cell phone messages from yesterday since I was too busy to answer them from the day before. That was a big mistake. Dr. Penny's office was calling to confirm for today's appointment. Yes easy reader's after having a near spotless record for four years, I dropped the ball. While I was out, his office also called Fred and Ethel as well as spoke to Fred who never shared this information with anyone. However it all hit the fan, after I called the office and they tell me we missed the appointment. I just felt lower than dirt. They tell me they tried talking to Fred and he was his usual belligerent self. I tried talking to him about it. His response was the expected verbal abuse with the last parting shot of "I want you out of my life". Oh if it were only that easy.
4.Add to the mix, Ethel blabbing to B.J. what a fuckup I am. It's really nothing new. Of course I denied that there was an appointment. Fred's mood swing was already on the dark side. I'm summoned to the phone for my lecture. B.J. tells me "I'm interfering in mom and dad's marriage and that I need to butt out." Gee why didn't I think of that? I could of have a V8 too.
5. Fred and Ethel were mad at me because I choose not to eat what they do. I'm trying to adhere to a strict Lenten diet and it doesn't help when they have the good food in front of me. It would be so easy to cheat and deny it but I don't play like that.
6.The job that I was hoping to get was given to someone else. I blew it.

I've been craving a cigarette and would have done some retail therapy or binge eating if I were in a better financial position. It could have been worse. I'm grateful for small favors.


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