Modern Day Spinster

The expected definition of a spinster is to just be a single and never married woman. If it were only that simple. I am a daughter, sister, auntie, friend, babysitter, alumna, artist, writer, diva, comedienne, bitch, caregiver, confidante, adviser, stylist, cheerleader, singer, dancer, activist, referee, sinner, saint, lover and occassional dater. Watch as I try to balance multiple spinning plates of relationships, responsibiilities, and reactions to life.

Monday, May 27, 2013

I'm Going Down

eta: this post is from 2007 but for whatever reason I never published it.Here it is.

Hey Easy Readers,

I never thought this would happen to me. I've tried Nutri-System, Bally's, Women's Workout World, the company that was before LA Weight Loss, Atkins, and no weight loss. I have the happy news to share. Thanks to Bob Greene's the best diet, I have dropped one dress size. This happened while I'm still at phase one. I was looking for some jeans to wear and I hadn't done laundry. When I had tried this particular pair of jeans in December, I couldn't get the zipper up at all. On Wednesday, it was such a thrill to have them on. Even though I can only stand using the gazelle for eight minutes, I feel I'm making great progress.

I'm guarded to say that about other areas of my life. If all goes well this weekend, I'll have something say but I don't want to jinx it before hand. So I'll talk about a subject that just irritates me to no end. When people give you ultimatums about losing weight.

Yesterday, Maggie asked my advice about what's going on in her relationship. Since she and her boyfriend, Vince, recently moved he's started copping a 'tude. Out of nowhere, he starts giving her an ultimatum about how she needs to drop serious weight and get to 130lbs before their lease is up in September. He's been giving her the business ever since the holidays. I did everthing in my power to keep my language clean about this guy while we were out having lunch. What the hell?

He's not in the best shape either but somehow he's an authority on weight loss. Bullshit. Then he's giving out these jealous vibes about how when she's on campus, she's out to pick up boys. Boys? Are you kidding me? How old are we? It's not like she's out on the make at 18. He flips whenever he hears about her getting emails from men in her classes about academic stuff. I didn't share this with her because she really wants this relationship to work out. I think the dude is either carrying on a cyber-relationship with another woman or he's cheating outright in real life. It's obvious that he's insecure about himself and I know I have more than less that stellar moments about my self-worth. But come on, get happy, and make a change. Granted most of my relationships have never lasted longer than a layaway, but there is no reason she has to put up with such shitty behavior on his part. I just tried to reason that this is just a rough patch for them. I hope for her sake it is.

Heaven only knows the number of times I've been given the weight loss speech by relatives and one snarky ex-boyfriend. You have such a pretty face if only you could lose weight. Lose weight by a certain date and you can have x-item. You could lose weight if you switch to diet drinks. Um, yeah if I don't drink pop that often switching defeats the purpose moron.

Academic wise, if it's not one thing it's another. But I'm taking it in stride. I was so excited when a book I ordered finally made it's way to my home yesterday. It was so great that my dad waited up until I got in to give me the news. I was so hoping it wasn't going the route of the last ebay purchase that never showed up. Thank you You think of everything.

In the Hey I have To Much Crap Tour 2007 I've finally made some progress. I've packed up six boxes that will find their way to the nearest charity shops. I'm so relieved because now I have room to do my yoga on my yoga days. My exercise plan is gazelle one day and yoga another day. I'm not going to commit myself to a certain amout each week and not follow through. I'm taking the do at least once a week of both. Anything I do over that amount is a bonus for me. Yesterday Maggie and I checked out the campus fitness facility. Now there's no excuse for me not to hit the treadmill. Mystery is solved I know where it is.

His Address Is Heaven Above

Ok easy readers let's start with the not so good stuff. Fred passed away in his sleep in 2009. It's hard to believe it's been four years without him. I know in the past I've posted about the issues that I had with him. But in the grand scheme of things, he was my Dad, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I tend to remember the good things about him. However BJ is quite the opposite. He's become very bitter and negative when it comes to anything related about our Dad. I guess everyone reacts differently when it comes to death. I don't bear any grudges against BJ.I hope he can eventually find peace or a good therapist to help him deal with his issues of anger.

Ethel has become quite the angry widow.She's become more demanding and short tempered. After Fred's death, she went on a total makeover of the place. Ethel and one of her sisters went through and basically tried to eliminate any trace of Fred. I stood my ground and was able to keep some things from being thrown out.

Ethel, BJ, and other relatives have seen Fred in their dreams. I have never had those dreams. However this weekend,I felt his prescence at home. I was sitting on the couch and all of the sudden there was quite an unexplainable odor. It smelled exactly like Fred. It lasted for a couple of hours on Saturday and Sunday.

As this is Memorial Day, I'd like to thank those who have served our country in the armed forces. Let us not take for granted the liberties that those who served have given their lives for.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

After all these years.

After many moons and finally remembering my passwords I'm back. After getting emails on how frequently people visit this site I was pleasantly surprised. Lots of changes but one things still remains the same. I'm still single.Lol. I'm going to take some time to review this and try to bring my easy readers up to speed. Be patient.