Modern Day Spinster

The expected definition of a spinster is to just be a single and never married woman. If it were only that simple. I am a daughter, sister, auntie, friend, babysitter, alumna, artist, writer, diva, comedienne, bitch, caregiver, confidante, adviser, stylist, cheerleader, singer, dancer, activist, referee, sinner, saint, lover and occassional dater. Watch as I try to balance multiple spinning plates of relationships, responsibiilities, and reactions to life.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Hi Ho Hi Ho

Wow what a difference a week makes. I'll start on the weekend and move forward. I never made to the alumni function because I was prepping for the big interview across state lines. Yes there's the potential of yours truly being a bi-state kind of a spinster. I did a trial run of the drive on Monday. I was fifteen minutes late. It served as a good life lesson for me to get myself out the door on time. The drive time was not that bad. It's about the same amount of time I would spend on the El to get to downtown for a gig. The tolls though are quite a bite to the laundry quarters. I was relieved to hear a jazz station of 88.9 which seranaded me on most of my journey. On a whim I stopped by to get information at a local college for classes.

The customer service of the staff simply blew me away. The campus was absolutely goregeous. The houses that surrounded it I'd put on the same level as a Winnetka or a Kenilworth. Holy Cow!!! I really feel it would be a good fit for me. Unlike the first time that I left for college, this time around I'm moving toward something bigger than myself. I met several people who were very pleasant and took time out of their day to give me advice. I was very blessed to have had this opportunity. Janis Joplin said,"Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got." This is a realization that came into play this week in several ways.

First B.J. announces to our parents that he and his family are leaving the state and heading to the coast of the coven. Ethel chose to share this information with me on the morning of my interview. I burst into tears and cried for a half an hour before I got ready to leave. Just gotta love the way Ethel serves it out to me don't you?
I countered that by saying my morning prayers and daily Bible reading. I'm trying to develop that into more of a rountine and for the most part I have been consistent. It's given me a sense of calm that had been so previously lacking in my life. I was blessed to go out to the car and have the good luck of a bird on my car. I was dressed and out of the door on time. In fact I was a half hour early and had time to put gas into the car. I pray gas prices drop for my sake if I get this job. The interview went well. I wasn't used to being under the gun like that but my voice didn't quaver which I was thankful for. I pray that the former bosses come to their senses and give me the proper reference that I deserve. I will not hesitate to consult a lawyer. This baloney has gone on far enough. I really want this job. I am more than qualified for this position. Considering all of the garbage I've had to deal with in the past four years, I'm so due for some good things. Their decision is supposed to be revealed early this coming week. Please pray to the God of your choice that I get this job. Easy readers help me out here. Don't think that I rested on my laurels either. I cranked out so many thank you notes on the same day that it just drained me.

As for B.J.'s relocation, he hasn't talked to me about it. In my heart I wish him well. However, there's part of me that's resentful. It was a year ago that he and Minnie promised ,yes some could consider it an oral agreement, that they would take care of Fred and Ethel so that I could move on with my life. Minnie being Minnie most likely never had ANY intentions of staying Chicago. Her performance is not Academy Award winning material but more of a Razzie of the worst kind. She's a manipulative, compulsive lying, coniving, contradicting, two-faced, _fill-in- your- favorite-expletive. I predict a divorce within a year or when Zach graduates from college. Either way my heart just sobs at the thought of that little boy and the rough road he must travel by himself as a only child. He's such a sweet spirit. It's wishful thinking that I hope he's able to keep it.

This week also brought reconnection of an old friend who had been on my mind. I knew something was wrong and was frustrated that she wasn't returning any of my calls. Unfortunately I was right. She was "laid off". No she didn't deserve it. I can't say anymore about her situation due to legal issues. However I can say this since she no longer works for them. My little nicknames were as follows: _name-of-company_ for morons, _name-of-company_ we don't work so you have to, and the ever favorite,_name-of-company_ we pass the buck till it becomes someone else's penny problem. Overall you were wrong to let her go and not fire the original offender of the problem. I'd disclose that name too but I'll just refer to the persons as Needs to Eat and Needs an Enema.


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