Modern Day Spinster

The expected definition of a spinster is to just be a single and never married woman. If it were only that simple. I am a daughter, sister, auntie, friend, babysitter, alumna, artist, writer, diva, comedienne, bitch, caregiver, confidante, adviser, stylist, cheerleader, singer, dancer, activist, referee, sinner, saint, lover and occassional dater. Watch as I try to balance multiple spinning plates of relationships, responsibiilities, and reactions to life.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Let's Have Another Cup Of Coffee

Since I had some time to kill before I left, I decided to give myself a manicure. That was a big mistake.Every move I made after that caused me to smear about a third of my nails. It figures.

On the upside, I arrived on time. I was pleasantly surprised by coffee man. We talked so long that we forgot to go out for lunch. He is a good guy. I had a great time.How cool is that? As for next week, we'll shall see what happens.

I was making Fred laugh so hard this afternoon he asked me why I never went into acting. Set me to stun. So I said if I were to take classes at Second City, he wouldn't object. He offered to pay for it. Wow, it's amazing what can happen when Mercury is out of retrograde.


  • At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A new beau? Call me!


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